Hiring Your First Employee

BizStarts blog features advice from Kimberly Kane


When I Ieft my career as a journalist, I didn’t take the traditional route into PR and marketing. I joined a start-up executive search firm and spent five years as a recruiter. This meant I worked with C-suite leaders and hiring managers to understand their business goals and help them find amazing talent, whether they needed one key employee or a full team.

I continually draw on those five years of experience in my role today, as the CEO of a fast-growing PR and marketing firm. My brief break from a career in communications taught me so many lessons about how important each hire is to a company.  

I wasn’t sure I wanted employees when I founded Kane Communications Group in 2013. But the business grew so quickly I faced a choice: start turning clients away or start hiring. Through this process, I learned there are some important questions to ask before making that first hire. BizStarts invited me to share my experience and some tips with other entrepreneurs in this week’s BizStarts blog.

Your first hire not only changes your business, it changes your life! 

Kimberly Kane

Kimberly Kane is the president and founder of Kane Communications Group.


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