Executive Positioning on LinkedIn: Achieving Influencer Status

Social media Influencer marketing has become a common tool in amplifying awareness and reach for a company or product. However, when the topic of influencers comes up in conversation, thoughts often go to the Kardashians or other celebrities who use their likeness to gain an audience following. But have you considered the influencers that work just down the hall? There’s no better influencer for an organization than its executives - especially on LinkedIn.

LinkedIn offers a plethora of opportunities to increase an organization’s reach and executives provide a credible voice and oftentimes a built-in following. How can internal marketing teams incorporate executives to strategically grow the organization’s brand and online presence? What are the keys to success? We’ve got answers!

Post on Their Behalf

Leadership may be tied up in back-to-back calls, with limited time to post on social media. Whether you’re given access to their account or use a platform such as Clearview Social to send content their way to post in one click there are many ways to ensure their voice is heard.

Employee engagement is 30% higher on posts from executives compared to the company page. By distributing company messaging or news through an executive’s profile, a post has the opportunity to reach a larger audience. 

Clearview Social and similar distribution tools can also be used to share company news or messaging with employees. Because they send post copy directly to their inbox, employees are encouraged to share the content on their personal channels. Not only does this grow the reach of your organization’s messaging,  it also elevates and positions your team as trustworthy experts.

Earn Trust

Sometimes a limited understanding of or experience with social media and the digital can create a hesitation to get involved. Taking a data-driven approach can help less experienced team members gain perspective about why their social media presence can be beneficial to both your company and their own positioning. 

Once they’re on board, keep executives in the loop by inviting them to strategy brainstorm sessions. And don’t forget to review content performance together regularly. This open communication creates ownership in the process and builds trust with your internal team.

Embrace Long-Form Content

LinkedIn has a variety of capabilities and tools that can help elevate your team’s thought leadership position. While it is important to be brief in the social content you create for Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, longer content thrives on LinkedIn. Using newsletters and editorial content allows executives to use their influence and creates a launching pad for their organization to build trust and credibility.

Longer-form pieces might also be featured by LinkedIn’s editorial team, resulting in increased impressions and follower growth. This provides ample opportunities for thought leadership and establishes an executive’s influencer status.

The Bottom Line

If LinkedIn isn’t in your executive positioning toolbox you are missing a huge opportunity. Now is the time to make your c-suite people of influence using strategic and thoughtful executive positioning.


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