The Entry-Level Job Search

Kane has a robust internship program where students have the opportunity to be fully immersed in PR agency life. Hear what Liz, a soon-to-be UW-Madison graduate, has to say about her experience at Kane and how it’s set her up for success in her future career goals.

Graduating college is exciting! There is a great sense of accomplishment and freedom you may not have had before. The world quickly becomes your oyster…until you remember there is a sea of corporations looking to hire millions of young professionals just like you. 

In a month, I hope to enter the workforce full-time, and the emotions of stress and uncertainty are running high. There are a few phrases, aside from the common “everything happens for a reason,” that remind me I’m not alone in the post-grad haze.

While the job search can be daunting, Kane has set me up both professionally and mentally to be confident in myself. The hands-on experience I have enjoyed at Kane helps me to realize an agency setting is an environment in which I thrive.

Rejection is Redirection

As young individuals, we are primed to think of rejection as something negative. Unfortunately, as you begin searching and applying for jobs, at least one or two rejections are sure to follow. 

And while hearing “no” can be difficult, it’s important to remember each rejection lands you one step closer to an acceptance or opportunity.

The Future You Has What The Current You Wants

Your present self has to work for your future. Setting specific goals for your career act as a roadmap to reach your full potential. It is impossible to go from zero experience to being the best in your field in the blink of an eye. Success takes time, grit and determination. Keep your eye on the prize, but have a clear path to follow along the way.

Start by creating manageable milestones. In college, I made sure to set foundational goals, such as working for a variety of internships, holding leadership positions in student organizations and networking as much as possible. 

I learned from my colleagues at Kane that a diverse background is crucial for growth and success. I quickly discovered the incremental leadership building blocks Kane gives their interns, for both the company and their clients, developed my ability to work independently and confidently. Kane set me up for this success from day one. 

By setting achievable goals, I feel mentally prepared for the professional path I want to follow, and also the personal life I want to live.

Confidence is Key

When you are extended an interview request, it is crucial to present your best self. Showcase yourself as someone who is capable and deserving of the position for which you’ve applied. 

In my internship at Kane, I drafted and sent several media pitches. Once they were sent, I conducted follow-up calls to the media to ensure they received the pitch and would be covering the topic. In these situations, I had no choice but to be professional and put my best foot forward. 

If confidence is a challenge for you, here are some tricks to get interview ready:

  • Dress for success and wear your favorite business casual outfit 

  • Listen to your favorite pump-up song before the interview - 

    • My personal favorites are “Successful” by Ariana Grande and “So Much Better” from Legally Blonde The Musical. 

  • Research the company with which you are interviewing -

    • Have enough knowledge about the company to direct some of your responses to their mission statement or values. Research is something that is firmly entrenched in the process at Kane. In fact every project they do starts with a research component. Getting to know a company or person on a deeper level fast-tracks you to getting the important information.

  • Ask questions and show your interest in the company and job opportunity -

    • Kane values curiosity and questions are always encouraged. Asking questions demonstrates engagement and benefits you in the long run and is imperative in any decision-making process.

Overall, the lead-up to post-grad life has caused feelings of uncertainty and stress. In the end, however, I feel excited to spread my wings and continue to showcase the skills I gained by being an intern at Kane.


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